If you are interested in going to Youth Day Camp, Wednesday thru Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm June 6th, 7th, and 8th, please sign the sheet in the hallway.  We will be going to Indian Caverns and then to Slate Run Park fro a scavenger hunt!  This is an awesome, spirt filled time for the youth.  Please make sure your children/grandchildren can go to this very special event.

Sunday School Picnic

​Our Sunday School Picnic is on June 10th.  We will be having hot air baloon rides starting at 7:00am (weather permitting).  You must select a time slot in order to take a ride in the baloon.  Lunch will be at 11:00am this year because we are starting so early.  The church will provide chicken, drinks,and the bread.  We are asking everyone to bring a side dish and a desert.

Upcomming Events

June Events

Wednesday Service

We have been having wonderful Bible Studies on Wednesday nights.  Please plan on joining as we read and study God's word together.  

June 6th, 7th, 8th - Youth Day Camp

June 10th - Sunday School Picnic

Lockbourne Freewill

Baptist Church

May Events

May 14th Happy Mothers Day
May 21st Crossing Over Singers
May 21st Sunday School Staff Meeting
May 21st Sunday School Contest Pizza Party
May 28th Double Divine Donut Day